
Debt Review

PaperTrail brings sanity in the heavily regulated debt review industry PaperTrail debt review allows debt counsellors and credit providers to easily communicate and negotiate. Special functionality such as form 17.2 capturing, allows debt counsellors to log on and submit the necessary information.This solution is suitable for both credit departments and debt counsellor.A unique and innovative […]


PaperTrail medical solution is safe and POPI compliant Patient medical files are easy generated on PaperTrail.Access to files is strictly controlled via extensive permissions and view privileges.Through the use of third party software, for example Acrobat, professional medical personnel can draw and hand write notes on each file.Each patient is created on the system with […]

Human Resources

Managing your employees effectively with complete management control PaperTrail offers a complete HR solution with our eform, workflow and signing solutions.Hiring has never been easier with our CV management and on boarding solutions.From new staff on boarding to promotions, demotions and disciplinary actions PaperTrail manages the entire document trail and provides employees with a dedicated […]


Privacy, compliant and easy to use Ensuring privacy and integrity is vital to all branches of government. From the Tender process to Records Management, PaperTrail offers a secure environment for government regulatory requirements. PaperTrail is scalable and is used by both small and large municipalities and state-owned enterprises.Our Records Management solution addresses the exact needs […]

Loan Application

Integrated smart solution that complies with all credit regulations Create a simple to use loan application form that integrates with your back-end system.PaperTrail smart engine will use your scorecard matrix to create an accurate and legal risk assessment. Each loan application will be sent on the relevant approval route and ensure compliance and integrity in […]


Input and manage all financial documents within a single Interface. Payment requisitions, proof of delivery, proof of payment and invoicing all in one place and simple to use.By integrating with your accounting system, our solution will remove double capturing and increase compliance within the financial divisions.Each purchase order will create a unique file that can […]

Client on Boarding

Increase efficiency in the client on boarding process. Using our unique form creation tool, PaperTrail manages the Capturing and On Boarding of new clients.Our smart solution validates input and improves efficiency in the capturing of new clientele. Each client record is searchable, unique and auditable.Data obtained by the capture process is easily passed onto back […]